Management Practice MCQ Page 44

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4618   The conclusion that when a leader ceases to lead,disorganisation in group behaviour results is suggested by the findings associated method:
  1. free-rein method
  2. authoritarian method
  3. democratic methods
  4. none of these
Question: 4619   People -centered leadership is described as:
  1. democratic
  2. permissive
  3. follower -oriented
  4. all of these
Question: 4621   The analytical engine
  1. was designed for specific computations
  2. was to be capable of performing any computation
  3. was used to help process census data
  4. none of the above
Question: 4622   The difference engine was to be
  1. an clectronic digital computer
  2. an electromechanical device
  3. power by system
  4. none of the above
Question: 4623   Babbage's analytical engine
  1. was never completed
  2. incorporated most of the ideas behind modern computers
  3. both a and b
  4. none of the above
Question: 4624   Herman Hollerith designed machines
  1. that could create astronomical tables
  2. that were capable of performing any computation
  3. that could sort and tabulate punched cards
  4. none of these
Question: 4625   A person credited with inventing the first electronic computer is
  1. Konre Zuse
  2. John Atanasoff
  3. John Mauchly
  4. All of the above
Question: 4658   The set of factors which is primarily concerned with things that " surround" the job are called:
  1. motivational factors
  2. maintenance factors
  3. motivational and maintenance factors
  4. none of these
Question: 4659   A set of factors which are concerned with the job itself are called :
  1. motivational factors
  2. maintenance factors
  3. both of these
  4. none of these
Question: 4660   The two factor theory of motivation has been much criticised, Which statement is least valid?
  1. the study design(method) influenced the results
  2. all people have strong drivers for growth and accomplishment
  3. the job content and job context factors are not mutually exclusive
  4. satisfied workers are not necessarily the most productive