Management Practice MCQ Page 8

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 823   Business firms typically seek ------- solutions to problems:
  1. minimal
  2. satisfactory
  3. maximal
  4. optional
Question: 824   The decision making -process is made up of :
  1. diagnosis
  2. discovery of alternatives
  3. analysis of alternatives
  4. all of these.
Question: 825   The function of diagnosis is:
  1. to identify and clarify a problem
  2. to discover various alternatives
  3. to analyse the different alternatives
  4. all of these.
Question: 826   An accurate diagnosis depends on:
  1. a definition of organizational objectives
  2. identifying major obstacles
  3. definition of objectives and identification of obstacles
  4. none of these.
Question: 827   The principle of limiting factor states that in choosing from among alternatives the more individuals can identify and solve for those factors which are critical to :
  1. formulation of organizational policies,rules,procedures and strategies,the more clearly and accurately they can select the most favourable alternatives
  2. the attainment of desired goal,the more clearly and accurately they can select the most favourable alternative
  3. organizational efficacy, the more clearly and accurately they can select the most viable alternatives
  4. none of these.
Question: 828   Synergy is an important technique of :
  1. management of audit
  2. performance appraisal
  3. decision making
  4. financial planning .
Question: 829   Creative behaviour is made more likely:
  1. when it is rewarded
  2. when the level of stress is appropriate
  3. when adequate time is available for considering a problem
  4. all of these.
Question: 830   One disadvantage of group participation in decision making is :
  1. time required
  2. knowledge available
  3. motivation of the members
  4. effect on morale.
Question: 831   The primary advantage of the nominal group techniques over brain storming is :
  1. complex problem can be solved
  2. stronger persons have a better chance for impact
  3. evaluation is deferred
  4. group-think is prevented.
Question: 832   The managerial skill most clearly advocated is :
  1. procrastination
  2. indecisiveness
  3. timidity
  4. integration.
Question: 833   Top management decision making is distinctively characterized by:
  1. more uncertainty and less reliance on judgement
  2. more uncertainly and greater reliance on judgement
  3. less uncertainly and greater reliance on judgement
  4. less uncertainly and less reliance on judegement.
Question: 834   The least plausible reason for students to study top management decision making is :
  1. they will be better able to interact with CEO"S
  2. specialised job assignment will not prepare them well for a general management orientation
  3. many will probably become CEO's
  4. they will gain a broad (systems) perspective.