Management Practice MCQ Page 2

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 763   A study to Mintzberg characterized the manager's job as:
  1. ordered
  2. verbal
  3. routine
  4. structured.
Question: 764   In comparison to top level managers, a first -line supervisor will spend more time in :
  1. direction of subordinates
  2. policy making
  3. public relations
  4. long range planning
Question: 765   Technical supervisor will be most needed where:
  1. operations are complex and organizational level is low
  2. operations are simple and organizational level is low
  3. operations are simple and organizational level is high
  4. operations are complex and organizational level is high
Question: 766   In the economic model of the firm,the input that is NOT explicitly included is :
  1. materials
  2. money
  3. information
  4. machines.
Question: 767   The lowest management level in the hierarchy is engaged in:
  1. adaptation
  2. processing
  3. coordination
  4. operations control
Question: 768   According to Theo Haimann,a managerial linking process would be:
  1. communication
  2. coordination
  3. adaptation
  4. representing ,
Question: 769   The managerial task most clearly identified with the external environment is :
  1. operations control
  2. adaptation
  3. coordination
  4. processing
Question: 770   The first person to suggest the of functions of management was:
  1. Henri Fayol
  2. F.W.Taylor
  3. Elton Mayo
  4. P.F.Drucker.
Question: 771   To the extent that an executive is carrying out the functions of planning ,organizing ,staffing ,directing and controlling ,he is involved in:
  1. managerial activities
  2. technical activities
  3. financial activities
  4. non-managerial activities.
Question: 772   The time spent on technical activities is usually greatest at the --------managerial level:
  1. top
  2. middle
  3. first-line
  4. all of these.
Question: 773   Which level of management would be most involved in the function of planning and organizing ?
  1. top
  2. middle
  3. first level
  4. all of these.
Question: 774   Which level of management would be most involved in the function of directing and controlling?
  1. top
  2. middle
  3. first level
  4. all of these.