Management Practice MCQ Page 14

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 883   The process of perception typically includes all but which of following?
  1. interpreting data
  2. creating data
  3. selecting data
  4. organizing data.
Question: 884   Distortions in perception may as a product of :
  1. the information processing mechanisms only
  2. the accuracy of the processing
  3. both the mechanisms and the accuracy of the processing
  4. neither,perception is individualized therefore is never truly incorrect or distorted.
Question: 885   A supervisor is most likely to be able to directly affect an employees:
  1. task assignments
  2. work habits
  3. personal aspirations
  4. attitudes and values.
Question: 886   Within an organization,members with common social intersts normally band together to form:
  1. dysfunctional groups
  2. informal groups
  3. role status group
  4. none of these.
Question: 887   The emphasis of the informal organization is on :
  1. the positions
  2. role
  3. status
  4. people and their relationships.
Question: 888   Leadership authority in the informal organization flows from:
  1. above
  2. top
  3. below
  4. none of these.
Question: 889   The major functions performed by informal groups are:
  1. helping group members to attain their specific objectives
  2. providing social satisfaction to get members
  3. serving as a communication medium
  4. serving as the agency for social control of behaviour
  5. all of these.
Question: 890   The control that informal groups exert over the behaviour of members of the group itselg:
  1. internal social control
  2. external social control
  3. functional control
  4. self-control.
Question: 891   Sociogram is a technique adopted for;
  1. understanding degree of social responsibility of a business unit
  2. analysing an informal organization
  3. understanding technical characteristic of a work group
  4. all of these.
Question: 892   The grapevine is often :
  1. completely accurate
  2. 80 percent accurate
  3. 20 percent accurate
  4. never accurate.
Question: 893   Dysfunctions are best defined as :
  1. informal organization characteristics that permit non-formal behaviour to exist
  2. formal organization characteristics that permit formal behaviour to exist
  3. formal organization characteristics that permit behaviour to exist
  4. informal organization characteristics that permit formal behaviour to exist.
Question: 894   Personal problems exist:
  1. only in large firms
  2. in all firms regardless of size
  3. only in firms that have no personal departments
  4. only in unionized firms.