Management Practice MCQ Page 22

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 986   Autocratic leadership is characterised by :
  1. maximum centralisation of authority
  2. unilateral decision making
  3. one-way communication
  4. all of these.
Question: 987   One who holds his position because of force of prestige attached to his office is called:
  1. intellectual leader
  2. institutional leader
  3. democratic leader
  4. creative leader.
Question: 989   Industrial leaders are developed by improving the natural talents which individuals possess through:
  1. formal education
  2. industrial training
  3. self-development
  4. all of these.
Question: 991   Which motives would be most important in guiding a person's behaviour at a particular time,those that are -----?
  1. satisfied
  2. unsatisfied
  3. both of these
  4. none of these.
Question: 992   For which socio-economic group of people would the physical dimension of motiveation be most important?
  1. upper income
  2. middle income
  3. lower income
  4. none of these.
Question: 993   Achievement for its own sake and sacrifice of personal com-fort for the good of someone else or for a cause typify the --------dimension of motivation.
  1. physical
  2. social
  3. psychic
  4. none of these.
Question: 994   Needs theory of motivation was enunciated by:
  1. Abraham
  2. David Mc Clelland
  3. Kurt Lewin
  4. Herzberg.
Question: 995   A.H Maslow suggested that in modern society needs are:
  1. completely satisfied (100%)
  2. largely satisfied (70%)
  3. partially satisfied(30%)
  4. unsatisfied.
Question: 996   What in your opinion would be the most powerful personal objective of a Noble Prize winning chemist working in the research department of a medical concern?
  1. money
  2. status
  3. pride of creativity
  4. none of these.
Question: 997   Arrange these needs in a hierarchy in order of their power to motivate behaviour:
  1. love
  2. esteem
  3. physiological
  4. self-actualization
  5. safety.
Question: 999   An employee working under a financial incentive system,who would like to produce more in order to earn more money but would thereby loose the friendship of those in the work group,faces an--------.
  1. approach -approach conflict
  2. approach -avoidance conflict
  3. avoidance-avoidance conflict
  4. none of these.
Question: 1000   The junior executive who faces the choice of either working in the evening or missing a due date for a job assignment is involved in an ----conflict situation.
  1. approach -approach
  2. approach-avoidance
  3. avoidance-avoidance
  4. none of these.