Management Practice MCQ Page 10

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 843   Formal organization comes into being:
  1. when persons are able to communicate,willing to act and share a purpose
  2. where persons are able to communicate and willing to act
  3. where persons marshall their resources in such fashion as maximum return is ensured
  4. when persons are ready to act and share a purpose.
Question: 844   Within organization ,members with common social interests normally band together to form:
  1. dysfunctional groups
  2. informal groups
  3. role groups
  4. none of these.
Question: 845   Work distribution charging is primarily a technique of :
  1. performance appraisal
  2. organizational analysis
  3. transactional analysis
  4. none of these.
Question: 846   The firm's internal organization structure often needs revision because of :
  1. the death of a key executive
  2. nepotism
  3. excessive competition
  4. seasonal variation in demand
  5. the changing scope of business operations
Question: 847   The descriptive word most clearly associated with the organic approach to structure is :
  1. static
  2. rigid
  3. bureaucratic
  4. dynamic.
Question: 848   Principles of absoluteness of responsibility is one of:
  1. major control principles
  2. major principles of sound organization
  3. major principles of staffing
  4. major principles of planning.
Question: 849   Organization chart is an important technique of :
  1. analysis of any organization
  2. analysis of non-formal organization
  3. analysis of formal organization
  4. analysis of informal organization.
Question: 850   Most organization charts are displayed on which basis:
  1. vertical
  2. horizontal
  3. circular
  4. three-dimensional.
Question: 851   A prime example of an integrating mechanism is :
  1. organization manual
  2. scalar chain
  3. job description
  4. all of the above.
Question: 852   It is generally agree that the most important activity of the Board of Directors is :
  1. trusteeship
  2. assisting in public relations
  3. selection of executives
  4. none of these.
Question: 853   Guidelines for establishing vertical layers include all but which one of the following:
  1. keep the number of levels to a minimum
  2. place decision making at the highest level it can be efficiently handled
  3. avoid duplication in the chain of command
  4. authority and responsibility should be clearly defined.
Question: 854   Traditional principles authority are limited by the fact that they are:
  1. too general to provide guidance needed in application
  2. too complex by involving the by dynamics of human behaviour
  3. too flexible in the organization that results
  4. too personal in their inclusion of motivational considerations.