Management Practice MCQ Page 12

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 863   An advantage of centralization is :
  1. it reduces the workload of over burdened executives
  2. it helps develop managerial talent
  3. it achieves more conformity and coordination
  4. decision can be made more quickly.
Question: 864   Line function are concerned with those activities which are connected with the discharge of ;
  1. direct responsibility for accomplishing the subsidiary objectives of the organization
  2. direct responsibility for accomplishing the main objectives of the organization
  3. direct responsibility for taking and implementing all decisions
  4. none of these.
Question: 865   With regard to the differentation of line and staff,we may conclude;
  1. line has total authority ;staff is limited to an advisory role
  2. power is shifting away from staff toward line and appropriately so
  3. the continued distinction creates unfortunate psychological batters
  4. there is a sharp difference between the two.
Question: 866   Among large firms,committees have been reported to be used in:
  1. less than 10 percent
  2. about one -third
  3. about two-thirds
  4. over 90 percent.
Question: 867   Several guides to committee management exist .Which is NOT normally advocated?
  1. keep them small
  2. define their purpose,goals and authority
  3. distribute agendas and reports at the beginning of the meeting
  4. select a strong,impartial chairperson.
Question: 868   A disadvantage of the committee is :
  1. the speed with which they act
  2. their capacity to represent diverse interests
  3. their use for developing managerial talent
  4. their capacity for obtaining committee of the people involved.
Question: 869   Committee are not well suited for work pertaining to :
  1. review of past activities
  2. innovation for improved control
  3. evaluations of working conditions
  4. none of these.
Question: 870   Among the common approaches to departmentation are:
  1. bottom-up and derivative
  2. top-down and bottom-up
  3. derivative and integrative
  4. top-down and derivative.
Question: 871   A task force is a mechanism best suited for :
  1. sub-dividing the organization horizontally
  2. establishing vertical layers and delegating authority
  3. obtaining lateral coordination and integration
  4. fitting in the individual.
Question: 872   Matrix organizations are really a combination of the:
  1. product and process bases
  2. process and geographic bases
  3. customer and functional bases
  4. functional and product bases
Question: 873   Span of management means :
  1. a good organization should consist of departments
  2. authority of each person must be clearly defined
  3. each subordinate should have one superior
  4. a manager can supervise a limited number of executives.
Question: 874   Which of the following is the oldest type of organization?
  1. functional organization
  2. line organization
  3. line and staff organization
  4. committee organization.