Management Practice MCQ Page 37

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4429   Disadvantages of committees do not include:
  1. motivation of participation
  2. decisions as a result of compromise
  3. general inefficiency in some areas
  4. waste of executive time
Question: 4430   Disadvantages of committees do not include:
  1. motivation of participation
  2. decisions as a result of compromise
  3. general inefficiency in some areas
  4. waste of executive time
Question: 4431   What procedures should be employed to make committees operate effectively?
  1. define objectives
  2. prepare and distribute agenda before meetings
  3. keep size to management number
  4. all of the above
Question: 4432   The study of group dynamics shows that when group members select their fellow employees the result is:
  1. job satisfaction increases
  2. productivity decreases
  3. wants satisfaction increases
  4. productivity increases
  5. a,b
Question: 4433   which factor does not cause or reduce dysfunctional behaviour?
  1. redefinition of departmental boundaries
  2. alternation of the informal structure
  3. advance warning of impending change
  4. lack of consideration for the fears of the personnel
Question: 4434   Which motives would be most important in guiding a person's behavior at a particular time, those that are------?
  1. satisfied
  2. unsatisfied
  3. both of these
  4. none of these
Question: 4435   for which socio-economic group of people would the physical dimension of motivation be most important?
  1. upper income
  2. middle income
  3. lower income
  4. none of these
Question: 4436   Achievement for its own sake and sacrifice of personal comfort for the good of someone else or for a cause typify the ------ dimension of motivation
  1. physical
  2. social
  3. psychic
  4. none of these
Question: 4437   Needs theory of motivation was enunciated by
  1. A braham Maslow
  2. David Me Clelland
  3. Kurt Lewin
  4. Herzberg
Question: 4438   the factor which is not normally included as a primary motive is
  1. sleep
  2. love
  3. hunger
  4. thirst
Question: 4439   A.H. Maslow suggested that in modern society, safety needs are
  1. completely satisfied (100%)
  2. largely satisfied (70%)
  3. partially satisfied (30%)
  4. unsatisfied
Question: 4440   An employee working under a tinancial incentive system, who would like to produce more in order to earn more money but would thereby loose the friendship of those in the work group, faces an ------
  1. approach-approach conflict
  2. approach-avoidance conflict
  3. avoidance-avoidance conflict
  4. none of these