Management Practice MCQ Page 31

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4194   The last function in the sequence,which culminates in the attainment of organization objectives,is:
  1. organizing
  2. coordinating
  3. controlling
  4. planning
Question: 4195   Which of the following management functions are closely related?
  1. planning and organizing
  2. staffing and control
  3. planning and control
  4. planning and staffing
Question: 4196   Which of the following functions of management are more closely related?
  1. planning
  2. coordination
  3. motivation
  4. control
Question: 4198   The corporate president's job could be described as requiring:
  1. high technical ability
  2. high administrative ability
  3. accounting operations ability
  4. an aptitude for security operations
Question: 4199   Which of the following is not an element of administration?
  1. planning
  2. organizing
  3. coordinating
  4. initiative
Question: 4203   According to Barnard,the executive,s primary job is:
  1. to establish and maintain a communication system
  2. to develop and improve technical skills
  3. to develop job descriptions
  4. to create a climate in which production workers will increase productivity
Question: 4206   Which of the following is not one of the three executive functions described by Barnard?
  1. establish and maintain a communication system
  2. get workers to make the necessary effort for the organization
  3. develop authority relationships
  4. formulate purposes and objectives of the organization
Question: 4209   Referring to staff:
  1. employees can being immediately to perform productively on the job
  2. it is useful to continually shift staff people from one job to another
  3. a mediocre administrator who has been on the job for a while is more productive than a competent manager who has been moving around
  4. none of the above apply
Question: 4211   In order to get workers to make a maximum effort,they must:
  1. have excellent leadership
  2. be intimidated by first line supervisors
  3. be part of the overall executive communication network
  4. identify with the organization
Question: 4214   Understanding authority is important because:
  1. authority is enough to get workers to obey
  2. workers will faithfully obey any instructions if they understand them
  3. the instructions must be consistent with the purpose of the organization
  4. having authority is not enough to get workers to obey instructions
Question: 4223   The activity of an executive manager in which we given careful consideration to future even is known as:
  1. planning
  2. controlling
  3. appraising
  4. organizing
  5. developing
Question: 4251   Goal congruence refers to a situation where:
  1. personal interests of the employees are not looked after at the time of fixing company objectives
  2. the goals of the company and the personal goals of the employees are in conflict with each other
  3. the goals of the and the personal goals of the employees are in conflict with each other
  4. none of these