Management Practice MCQ Page 30

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4179   Guiding and supervising the efforts of subordinates towards the attainment of the organization 's goals describes the function of :
  1. planning
  2. organizing
  3. directing
  4. controlling
Question: 4180   Directing function of management embraces activities of :
  1. issuing orders to subordinates
  2. supervising subordinates
  3. guiding and teaching the subordinates
  4. providing leadership and motivation to subordinates
  5. all of these
Question: 4181   Adequate motivation of employees results in:
  1. fostering in-disciplines among the subordinates
  2. boosting the morale of the subordinates
  3. decreasing the productivity of subordinates
  4. all of these
Question: 4182   "Unity of Command " principle of effective direction means:
  1. subordinates should be responsible to one superior
  2. there should be unity amongst subordinates
  3. there should be unity amongst superiors
  4. a superior can supervise a limited number of subordinates
Question: 4184   Establishing standards,comparing actual results with standards and taking corrective actions are the steps included in the process of
  1. planning
  2. controlling
  3. directing
  4. organizing
Question: 4185   Control function of management cannot be performed without:
  1. planning
  2. organizing
  3. staffing
  4. motivation
Question: 4187   Successful coordination of activities results from effectively carrying out the function:
  1. planning
  2. organizing
  3. staffing
  4. directing
  5. all of these
Question: 4188   Line functions are concerned with those activities which are connected with the discharge of:
  1. direct responsibility for accomplishing the subsidiary objectives of the organization
  2. direct responsibility for accomplishing the main objectives of the organization
  3. direct responsibility for accomplishing both main and subsidiary objectives of the organization
  4. none of these
Question: 4189   Main functions of administrative management are:
  1. planning,organizing ,staffing,directing and controlling
  2. planning ,organizing,directing and controlling
  3. planning ,organizing,staffing and directing
  4. planning,organizing,controlling and represntation
Question: 4192   In terms of the sequential relationship, the first function requiring managerial attention is:
  1. planning
  2. coordinates
  3. directing
  4. controlling
Question: 4194   The last function in the sequence,which culminates in the attainment of organization objectives,is:
  1. organizing
  2. coordinating
  3. controlling
  4. planning
Question: 4195   Which of the following management functions are closely related?
  1. planning and organizing
  2. staffing and control
  3. planning and control
  4. planning and staffing