Biology Practice MCQ Page 8

Multiple Choice questions for Biology in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 1951   The theory which states that all animals and plants are composed of cells and cell products is known as
  1. Cell Theory.
  2. Atomic Theory.
  3. Bohr's Theory.
  4. None of the above.
Question: 1952   Of the following ,which of the most fundamental generalization in biology?
  1. Micor-biology.
  2. Microscope.
  3. Cell theory.
  4. Discovery of Cell.
Question: 1953   Who formulated Cell theory?
  1. Schwan.
  2. M.J.Schleiden.
  3. Henri Dutrochet.
  4. Both Schawn and M.J.Scheilden.
Question: 1954   Which is the basic structural as well as functional unit for all organisms?
  1. Tissue.
  2. Cell.
  3. Gland.
  4. Atom.
Question: 1956   The great contributing of Sch-wan was
  1. what he saw.
  2. how interpreted what he saw.
  3. cell discover.
  4. none of the above.
Question: 1957   The function of an organism is the result of sum of activities and interaction of the
  1. Neurons.
  2. Tissues.
  3. Muscles.
  4. Cell units.
Question: 1958   Which cell can contract and relax?
  1. Muscle cells.
  2. Excreterov cells.
  3. Nervous cells.
  4. Respitatory cells.
Question: 1959   Which cells secrete harmones?
  1. Tissue cells..
  2. Museles cells
  3. Respiratory.
  4. Glands.
Question: 1960   Which of the following blood cells carry oxygen?
  1. W.B.Cs.
  2. Platelets.
  3. R.B.Cs.
  4. All of the above.
Question: 1961   In plants and mineral salts from soil to the aerial parts of the plant are conducted through
  1. Xylem vessels.
  2. Phloem vessels.
  3. Vascular bundle.
  4. All of the above.
Question: 1962   In plants which cells are concerned with transport of food?
  1. Phloem vessels.
  2. Xylem vessels.
  3. Vascular bundle.
  4. None of the above.
Question: 1964   Which plant cells give support to plant body?
  1. Phloem cells.
  2. Xylem cells.
  3. Sclerenchymatous cells.
  4. Parenchyma cells.