Biology Practice MCQ Page 7
Multiple Choice questions for Biology in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 1939 In the cells of liver the sprozoites multiply for about how many days to produce large number of merozoites?
- 6 Days.
- 12 Days.
- 18 Days.
- 24 Days.
Question: 1940 In which blood cells the sprozoites of saliva pass and multiply there for 12 days?
- RBCs.
- WBCs.
- Platelets.
- None of the above.
Question: 1941 The first phase of sexual reproduction of malarial parasite completes in the ...
- Stomach of man.
- Stomach of mosqutio.
- Liver of man.
- Liver of mosquito.
Question: 1942 In the liver of malarial patient,each aprozoite divides producing a large number of new cell called.
- Merozoites.
- Neurons.
- Saprophytes.
- all of the above.
Question: 1944 The Cincona bark contains a drug known as
- Quinine .
- Vaccine.
- Poludrin.
- BCG.
Question: 1945 To control malarial attack.a malarial victim should be given ...
- Quinine .
- Poludrin.
- Chloroquinine.
- All of the above
Question: 1946 The first useful microscope was invented shortly before ...
- 1500.
- 1600.
- 1700.
- 1800.
Question: 1947 In 1610, who made microscope and used it to observe very small animals?
- Robert Hooke.
- Galilo.
- Aristotle.
- Laveran.
Question: 1949 Who observed nucleus in the cells of orchids under the microscope?
- Robert Hook.
- A.F.A.King.
- Galilieo.
- Henri Dutrochet.
Question: 1950 In 1831, Robert Brown discovered a title spherical body within a box like cells of living plant which he called the ...
- Nucleus.
- Vacuole.
- Golgi Bodies.
- Centrosome.
Question: 1951 The theory which states that all animals and plants are composed of cells and cell products is known as
- Cell Theory.
- Atomic Theory.
- Bohr's Theory.
- None of the above.
Question: 1952 Of the following ,which of the most fundamental generalization in biology?
- Micor-biology.
- Microscope.
- Cell theory.
- Discovery of Cell.
Answers to the questions of Biology on this page
Following list gives the correct choice for the answer of the Biology mcqs.
1939 . B
1940 . A
1941 . B
1942 . A
1944 . A
1945 . D
1946 . B
1947 . B
1949 . D
1950 . A
1951 . A
1952 . C
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