Biology Practice MCQ Page 48
Multiple Choice questions for Biology in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 3243 Double fertilization in angiosperm was discovered by
- Leeuwenhoek
- Strassburger
- Hofineister
- Naswaschin,S.G
Question: 3244 All sepals collectively constitute a structure termed as
- Calyx
- Corolla
- Gynaecium
- Androecium
Question: 3245 Usually the conspicuous ,coloured ,attractive part of flower is termed is
- Sepals
- Carpels
- Petals
- Stamens
Question: 3246 Taken together the petals constitute
- Calyx
- Corolla
- Gynaecium
- Androecium
Question: 3247 Each stamen has a slender stalk or filament at the top of which a pollen bearing organ is present
- Stigma
- Anther
- Filament
- Ovary
Question: 3248 The group of pistals or carpels is collectively spoken off as a
- Androecium
- Gynaecium
- Callyx
- Corolla
Question: 3249 An expanded basal portion of carpel is called as
- Stigma
- Ovary
- Style
- Pollen tube
Question: 3250 In some angiosperms individual flowers are quite large and are borne singly on the pedicel.Such flowers are termed as
- uniflowers
- trichome
- solitary flowers
- all of the above
Question: 3251 In most angiosperms the flowers are small and occur in groups.Such cluster of flowers arranged on the floral axis is called
- Pedicel
- Inflorescence
- Racemose
- None of the above
Question: 3252 In some angiosperms individual flowers are quite large and are borne singly on the pedicel.Such flowers are termed
- Solitary flowers
- Panicle flowers
- Anther
- Perianth flowers
Question: 3253 In which inflorescecnce the main axis soon ends in a flower?
- Racemose
- Cymose
- Umbel
- Spike
Question: 3254 In which type of inflorescence the main axis is alongated and bears laterally a number of flowers?
- Typical recemose
- Spike
- Catkin
- Corymb
Answers to the questions of Biology on this page
Following list gives the correct choice for the answer of the Biology mcqs.
3243 . D
3244 . A
3245 . C
3246 . B
3247 . B
3248 . B
3249 . B
3250 . C
3251 . B
3252 . A
3253 . B
3254 . A
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