Education in Italy

Italy is at the rank of 8 among the most industrialized countries in the world. It is one of the four countries that created the European Area of Higher Education. Today Italy has a sound network of small and medium-sized universities and research institutions engaged in basic and applied fields of Biology, ICT, Physics, etc.

The Italian Higher Education System

Italian higher education is a binary system, consisting of two main types: 1- University sector       2 - Non-university sector.

University Sector

Currently there are 89 universities including:
58 State universities, 17 non-State universities, 2 universities for foreigners, 6 higher schools specialised in postgraduate university studies, 6 telematic universities.

Non-university sector

Non-University Sector includes:
Higher schools of design, higher education in languages, higher integrated education (FIS), a few specific fields.


Admission to Italian Universities is regulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy (MAE) and by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). Every year MAE and MIUR publish the deadlines for applications at the end of May.

Italy universities data 2024

The universities data of Italy is based on all universities and colleges approved by the governoment of Italy up to 2024