Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University

Anuradhapura - Sri Lanka

Admission 2025 - 2026


Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University was established in the year 1996. The university is one of the best universities to offer course regarding Buddhism. It emphasizes upon theoretical and practical learning and training on Buddhism. Apart from that, the university also offers many modern subjects.

Programs and Courses

The university offers external courses namely Diploma in Buddhist Studies and External English Courses. Moreover following are the departments: The Department of Buddhist Studies (DBS) offers both Special and General Degree programmes in Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Culture. Department of Language offers Special and General Degree programmes for Pali and Sanskrit, it also offers a General Degree programme for English. The Department of Practical Buddhist Studies offers courses on the Buddhist Monk and Contemporary Society (for the First year students), Meditation and Yoga (for the Second year students) and Buddhist Psychology and Counseling (for the Third year students). The Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies (DSSCS) conducts General Degree programmes in the following subjects. Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Archaeology, Education Science and Library Science. The DSSCS started to conduct English medium lectures for Psychology in parallel with commencement of English medium courses by BBU.

Admission Procedure 2025 - 2026

UGC is responsible for all admissions in Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University. The university requires an individual to pass the intermediate education in order to be eligible for the admissions in any undergraduate programs whereas a bachelor degree is required for postgraduate programs.

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