Accounting Practice MCQ Page 9

Multiple Choice questions for Accounting in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 1323   At what amount materials issued will be charged ifLIFO method is used
  1. RS.1,550
  2. RS.1,575
  3. RS.1,700
  4. RS.1,750
Question: 1325   at what amount materials issued will be charged if simple average price is used
  1. RS.1,550
  2. RS1,575
  3. RS.1,610
  4. RS.1,700
Question: 1329   At what amount materials issued will be charged if weighted average price is used
  1. RS.1,575
  2. RS.1,610
  3. RS.1,625
  4. None of these
Question: 1330   At what amount materials issued will be charged if replacement price method is used
  1. RS.1,400
  2. RS.1,700
  3. RS.2,100
  4. RS. 1,750
Question: 1335   What will be the value of closing stock under FIFo method
  1. RS 600
  2. RS 675
  3. RS 700
  4. None of these
Question: 1336   What will be the value of closing under LIFO method
  1. RS.600
  2. RS.675
  3. RS.690
  4. RS.750
Question: 1337   What will be the value of closing stock under simple average method
  1. RS.600
  2. RS.690
  3. RS.725
  4. RS.750
Question: 1339   What will be the value of closing stock if weighted average method is applied
  1. RS.600
  2. RS.690
  3. RS.725
  4. RS.750
Question: 1340   What will be the value of closing stock if replacement price method if used
  1. RS.100
  2. RS.300
  3. RS.200
  4. None of thes
Question: 1344   In which of following incentive plans of wages payment, wages on time basis are NOT guaranteed
  1. Halsey plan
  2. Rowan plan
  3. Taylor,s differential piece rate system
  4. Gantt's task and bonus system
Question: 1427   In which of the following incentive plan of wages payment, wages on time basis are NOT guaranteed?
  1. Halsey plan
  2. Rowan plan
  3. Taylor's differential piece rate system
  4. Gantt's task and bonus system
Question: 1429   Which of the following methods of wage payment is most suitable where quality and accuracy of work is of primary importance?
  1. piece rate system
  2. differential piece work system
  3. time rate system
  4. Halsey premium system