Biology Practice MCQ Page 35

Multiple Choice questions for Biology in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 2534   Spirogyra is more advanced than Ultothrix because
  1. hold-fast is absent in a Spirogyra
  2. Spirogyra has internal faterlization
  3. Spirogyra has internal fertilization
  4. Ulothrix is unicellular while Spirogyra is multicellular
Question: 2536   Blue green algae posses chorophlyll along with a pigment known as
  1. Chlorophy
  2. Phycobilin
  3. Haemoglobin
  4. None of the above
Question: 2539   In blue green algae the cells specilized for nitrogen fixation are known as
  1. Red brown algae
  2. Blue green algae
  3. Ferns
  4. Mosses
Question: 2541   This type of reproduction has not been demonstrated in blue green algae
  1. Asexual `
  2. Meiosis
  3. Sexual
  4. None of the above
Question: 2543   A thick walled spored meant for perennation is known as
  1. zoospore
  2. aplanospore
  3. hypnospore
  4. akinete
Question: 2546   Nostoc reproduce asexually by homogonia ,akinetes and
  1. Spore formation
  2. Zygote formation
  3. Conjuction
  4. Transformation
Question: 2547   If one of the gametes fails to fuse with another gamete but develops into a diploid zygote-like structure ,the phenomenon is termed as
  1. Apogmy
  2. Apomixis
  3. Parthenogenesis
  4. Parthenocarpy
Question: 2552   Name of Aregentine's parliment is Congress.upper house of Congress is celled Chamber of Deputies .What is its lower house called?
  1. Assembly
  2. Argentine Parliment
  3. Senate
  4. None of the above
Question: 2553   Armenia's parliment is
  1. People Council
  2. State Council
  3. Journal Council
  4. None of the above
Question: 2554   Armenia's parliment is
  1. People Council
  2. State Council
  3. Journal Council
  4. None of the above
Question: 2555   Australian Parliament's upper house and lower house are known as "Senate" and "House" of Representatives" respectively .Name its Parliament?
  1. People Parliament
  2. Federal parliament
  3. Journal Parliament
  4. None of the above
Question: 2559   Bangladesh's Parliament is known as
  1. People Council
  2. Bengal Council
  3. Union Council
  4. Jatiya Sangsad