Biology Practice MCQ Page 15

Multiple Choice questions for Biology in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 2093   A cell consists of three main components which of....
  1. Protoplasm ,Nucleus,Plasma membrane.
  2. Protoplasm,Nucleoplasm,Cytoplasm.
  3. Nucleus,Ribosomes,Plasma membrane.
  4. Plasma membrane,Nucleus,Golgi bodies.
Question: 2096   Property of growth and reproduction is dependent upon the ...
  1. Nucleus.
  2. Cytoplasm.
  3. Nucleus and contents.
  4. Cytoplasm and it contents.
Question: 2097   What is the col our of protoplasm?
  1. Green.
  2. Yellow.
  3. Grayish.
  4. White.
Question: 2099   The protoplasm is elastic in nature and can relax and contract.The relaxation and contraction of protoplasm is because of folding and unfolding of linear.
  1. Protein molecules.
  2. Carbohydrate molecules.
  3. Fat molecules.
  4. Lipid molecules.
Question: 2100   The streaming movement of protoplasm is dependent upon special kind of
  1. Fat molecules.
  2. Protein molecules.
  3. Lipdis molecules.
  4. Carbohydrate molecules.
Question: 2105   In the Bacteria cell the percentage of RNA to the total cell weight is
  1. 0.25%.
  2. 2%.
  3. 4%.
  4. 1.1%.
Question: 2108   Nuclear membrane ,ribosomes ,mitochondria,cytoplasm,chromosomes are mainly composed of
  1. Proteins.
  2. Fats.
  3. Carbohydrates.
  4. Water.
Question: 2178   It is a proteinic hormone secredted by the beta (B) cell of isled of Langerhan.
  1. Insulin .
  2. Gastrin.
  3. Mysoin.
  4. Actin.
Question: 2179   Insulin there are how many amino acids of 16 kinds are arranged in two chains?
  1. 51.
  2. 574.
  3. 3000.
  4. None of the above.
Question: 2180   It is an oxygen carrying protein of red colour concentrated n red blood cells.
  1. Insulin.
  2. Haemoglobin.
  3. Gastrin.
  4. Actin.
Question: 2181   In Haremogloblin there are how many amino acids of 19 kinds are arranged in four chains?
  1. 576.
  2. 574.
  3. 572.
  4. 570.
Question: 2183   They form the material which forms skins,muscles ,hair and nails in animals.
  1. Protein.
  2. Carbohydrates.
  3. Fats.
  4. Vitamins.