Admission 2025 - 2026
It is an excellent University founded in 1996 according to law No. 4142 under the framework of Higher Education Act of public legal entity. It is a great foundation of administrative and financial autonomy. It is an excellent university, provides quality Education with specialized administrative and academic staff in the light of great principles of Ataturk. It also provides creative and administrative solutions of issues regarding technology and culture.
Programs and Courses
YEDITEPE UNIVERSITY has following institutes:
Institute of Education Sciences, Institute of Science, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences and Atatürk Principles and History Institute.
Institute of Education Sciences includes Education Planning and Leadership (Thesis / Non-Thesis), English Language Teaching (Thesis / Non-Thesis), English Language Education Doctorate.
Institute of Science includes Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering (PhD), Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (PhD).
Institute of Health Sciences includes Nutrition and Dietetics (Master), Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy (Master), Multidisciplinary.
Institute of Social Sciences includes Knowledge and Innovation Management (MBA), Integrated Marketing Communications Management, Educational Administration and Supervision, Energy Economics and Management, Philosophy (PhD), Financial Economics, Journalism and Media Management, Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, Public Relations and Publicity, Law, English Language and Literature, International Business, Management, Business Administration, Comparative Literature, Media Studies, Philosophy, Plastic arts, Radio, Film and Television, Arts Management, Political Science and International Relations, Political Science and International Relations, Social Media Management (MBA), International Trade and Logistics Management, Anthropology, Date, Management Information Systems and Health Communications Management.