University of Sharjah
Sharjah -
United Arab Emirates
Admission 2025 - 2026
The University of Sharjah is one the most renowned universities of the United Arab Emirates located in the city of Sharjah, UAE.
Affiliated Colleges
The University is offering almost 79 academic degree programs which include 50 Bachelor degrees, 15 Masters Degrees, 4 Doctorate degrees, one graduate and 9 associate diploma degrees and all are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education of UAE.
Programs and Courses
The university is divided among different colleges for various disciplines including Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Business Administration, Communication, Community College, Dentistry, Engineering, Fine Arts & Design, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine Pharmacy, Sciences, Shariah & Islamic Studies Graduate Studies & Research.
B Sc Accounting , B Sc Applied Physics ,B Sc Business Administration (Finance, Marketing, Management) ,B Sc Bio Technology ,B Sc Civil Engineering ,M Sc Civil Engineering ,B Sc Communication ,M Sc Communication ,EMBA ,MBA ,BS Finance ,B Sc Health Service Administration , Bachelor Law ,B Sc Nuclear Engineering ,B Sc Shariah and Law .
Admission Procedure 2025 - 2026
The admission eligibility for different departments in different in the university you require 70% in High School Certificate for the business administration, law, science and arts colleges. Then your require 75% for engineering, 80% for Pharmacy, 85% for Dentistry and 90% for the medical college. Along with this you should have affluence in English language and pass the entry test conducted by the university itself for undergraduate students.
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