Programs and Courses
The university has the following colleges along with their respective departments. Faculty Departments under College of Agriculture, Dharwad includes Departments: Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Biochemistry, Agril. Economics, Agril. Engineering, Agril. Statistics ,Crop Physiology & Botany, Horticulture, Agril. Marketing Co-op. & Agribusiness Management, Seed Science and Technology, Agril. Extension Education, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Biotechnology, Plant Pathology, Agril. Microbiology, Agril. Entomology, Sericulture, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, Physical Education and Environmental Science. Faculty Departments Under College of Agriculture, Bijapur includes Departments : Agronomy, Agril. Economics, Agri. Entomology, Agril. Engineering, Agril Extension Education, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agril. Microbiology, Crop Physiology, Sericulture, Farm Forestry, Seed Science and Technology. Veterinary Faculty: Vety. Science, Dairy, Poultry, Fishery, Agril. Meteorology. Faculty Departments Under Rural Home Science College, Dharwad includes Departments :Food Science and Nutrition, Human Development, Family Resource Management, Textiles and Apparel Designing, Extension Communication Management and Physical Education. Faculty Departments Under Forestry College, Sirsi includes Departments: Forest Biology, Silviculture, Forest Protection, Forest Utilization, Agro forestry, Forest Engineering, Forest Management, Basic Science and Humanities, Agril. & Allied Sciences and Forestry.