Isik University
Admission 2025 - 2026
Isik University was established in 1996, and it is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Isik University's Sile campus has three faculties, two institutes and research centers. Maslak campus has the Faculty of Fine Arts which just began in the 2007-2008. The basic purpose of Isik University is to show skills in not only research and laboratory activities, but also in cultural and sports activities. They want to provide best information according to rule of Ataturk.
Graduate Schools:
Isik University has schools for the graduate studies including Graduate School of Social Sciences and Graduate School of Science and Engineering.
Isik University also has a department known as English as a Foreign Language Department (EFL).
Programs and Courses
Isik University is known for its quality education. The faculties including are named as Faculty of Arts and Sciences having Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Information Technologies, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts includes Department of Fashion and Textile Design, Department of Graphic Arts and Graphic Design, Department Industrial Product Design, Department of Interior Architecture and Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences including Department of Economics, Department of Management, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Engineering including Department of Computer Science and Engineering.