Chemistry Practice MCQ Page 10

Multiple Choice questions for Chemistry in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 1238   If the internuclear distance of the atoms in a molecule is further reduced, their potential energy will
  1. decrease rapidly
  2. increase rapidly
  3. remain constant
  4. be un-changed
Question: 1239   The internuclear distance at which the energy of the two bonded atoms is at minimum is called
  1. bond length
  2. equilibrium distance
  3. equilibrium bond distance
  4. bond distance
Question: 1240   The values of electronegativity of the bonded atoms help us distinguish the type of
  1. atoms
  2. electrostatic forces
  3. chemical bond
  4. molecule
Question: 1241   If the difference between the electronegativity values of two bonded atoms is less than 1.7, the type of bond is
  1. covalent
  2. ionic
  3. coordinate
  4. polar covalent
Question: 1242   If the difference between the electronegativity values of two bonded atoms is greater than 1.7, the type of bond is
  1. covalent
  2. ionic
  3. coordinate
  4. polar covalent
Question: 1243   If the difference in the electronegativity values of two bonded atoms is 1.7, the type of bond is
  1. covalent
  2. ionic
  3. coordinate
  4. polar covalent
Question: 1244   When a bond is formed due to complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom, it is called
  1. covalent
  2. ionic
  3. coordinate
  4. polar covalent
Question: 1245   The ionic bond is due to force of attraction between oppositely charged ions, which is called
  1. electromagnetic
  2. electrostatic
  3. ionic
  4. electronic
Question: 1246   The atoms that lose electrons and become positively charged ions are called
  1. anions
  2. cations
  3. radicals
  4. complexes
Question: 1247   The ability to do work is called
  1. potential
  2. energy
  3. power
  4. work
Question: 1248   The SI unit of energy is
  1. caloric
  2. newton
  3. joule
  4. watt
Question: 1249   When a force of one Newton acts over a distance of one metre, it is
  1. one joule
  2. one calorie
  3. one watt
  4. one pound