Chemistry Practice MCQ Page 22

Multiple Choice questions for Chemistry in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 2877   1/299792458 seconds is the time light takes in traveling in
  1. water
  2. air
  3. solution
  4. vacuum
Question: 2878   Megametre (Mm) is of a metre
  1. multiple
  2. fraction
  3. devisor
  4. part
Question: 2879   SI unit for volume is
  1. cubic decimetre
  2. cubic metre
  3. cubic millimetre
  4. cubic decametre
Question: 2880   Decimetre and the decametre are
  1. same
  2. different
  3. multiples
  4. length units
Question: 2881   The volume occupied by one dm3 and a litre are
  1. equal
  2. not equal
  3. same
  4. almost
Question: 2882   The volume occupied by one kg of pure water at 4 °C is
  1. one dm3
  2. one litre
  3. one m3
  4. one cc
Question: 2883   One kilogram is equal to how much pounds
  1. 2
  2. 2.2046
  3. 4
  4. 4.4046
Question: 2884   Kilogram is the basic unit of SI. It is used for expressing
  1. mass
  2. density
  3. weight
  4. gravity
Question: 2885   0.001 kg and 0.001 g are both
  1. equal
  2. fraction
  3. unequal
  4. weight units
Question: 2886   Pure water at 4°C has density
  1. low
  2. maximum
  3. minimum
  4. high
Question: 2887   1.000 g and 1000 mg are
  1. equal
  2. different
  3. equivalent
  4. unequal
Question: 2888   The amount of matter in a substance is called its
  1. weight
  2. energy
  3. mass
  4. volume