Graduate Study in USA - Types of Degrees

The 2 main graduate degrees offered in the country are the master's degree as well as doctoral degree; both involve the variety of research and coursework. Graduate education can vary from undergraduate education as it offers an even better depth of exercising, with increased specialty area and intensity with instruction. Study and learning are usually more self-directed at a graduate level than along at the undergraduate level. Graduate courses expect that students are well-prepared while in the basic elements of their total field of analysis. Depending on the topic, courses may often be quite formal, containing primarily of address presentations by school members, or they can be relatively informal, placing increased exposure of discussion and return of ideas concerning faculty and scholars. Seminars involve smaller categories of students than address courses, and students may be asked to make presentations and participate in considerations. Class participation, homework papers, and examinations are especially important.

Degree requirements are stated in terms of "credits" (sometimes called "units" or "hours"), and each course usually earns three or four credits, generally reflecting the number of hours spent in the classroom and the amount of other work involved. A student will usually accumulate up to 48 credits per academic year if the university operates on a traditional two-semester system.