College of Admission Tests Multan

Quantitative Comparison

Solve the question of and select the option from the choices A through D/E. Check your Answer and view the explanation.

Question: 10

Column A Column B
18y +18x18y -18x
  • A if the quantity in Column A is greater.
  • B if the quantity in Column B is greater.
  • C if the two quantities are equal.
  • D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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Correct Answer: D

You didn’t fall for the cheesy and egregious (heinous, truly terrible) trap built into this very simple question, did you? If so, consider yourself totally humiliated because you forgot the tip presented in Chapter 16 about crossing off quantities that are identical in both columns. Cancel the 18y. You’re now left with +18x compared to –18x. Although common sense tells you that 18x is greater, common sense should take a flying leap because there’s nothing common about QC questions. Play the “what if” game: What if x = 1? Then A is greater. What if x = 2? Then A is still greater. Ah, but what if x = 0? Then the columns are equal. If the answer depends on what you plug in, choose D. Correct Answer: D.