Management Practice MCQ Page 39

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4449   Peter Drucker has been critical of Theory Y for
  1. its attempted to control employees by psychological manipulation
  2. totally discarding theory X
  3. stressing work as natural as play or rest
  4. stressing on virtues of human nature
Question: 4450   Theory Y approach imply that greater reliance should be placed on
  1. external control
  2. internal control
  3. production control
  4. none of these
Question: 4451   Who propounded "Motivation-Maintenance Theory ?"
  1. A.H. Maslow
  2. Douglas Mc Gregor
  3. Frederick Herzberg
  4. F.W. Taylor
Question: 4452   In In considering the hard or punitive versus the soft or human relations, reactions to handling the consequences of the theory X, Mc Gregor suggest that the best alternative is
  1. hard
  2. soft
  3. both hard and soft
  4. neither hard not soft
Question: 4453   A set of factors which are concerned with the job itself are
  1. motivation factors
  2. maintenance factors
  3. both of these
  4. none of these
Question: 4454   The set of factors which is primarily concerned with things.that "surround" the job are called
  1. motivational factors
  2. maintenance factors
  3. motivational and maintenance factors
  4. none of these
Question: 4455   A set of factors which are concerned with the job itself are
  1. motivation factors
  2. maintenance factors
  3. both of these
  4. none of these
Question: 4456   A set of factors which are concerned with the job itself are
  1. motivational factors
  2. maintenance factors
  3. both of these
  4. none of these
Question: 4457   The two factor theory of motivation has been much criticised. Which statement is least valid?
  1. the study design (method) influenced the results
  2. all people have strong drives for growth and accomplishment
  3. the job content and job context factor are not mutually exclusive
  4. satisfied workers are not necessarily the most productive.
Question: 4458   The expectancy model of motivation includes each of the following except
  1. outcome probability
  2. reward probability
  3. magnitude of the reward
  4. effort to be expended
Question: 4459   When need, environmental and expectancy theories are combined
  1. no significant factors emerge as important to consider
  2. the individual becomes the dominant factor to analyze and understand
  3. the environment becomes the dominant factors to analyze and understand
  4. the combination of forces in the individual and the environment emerge as important
Question: 4460   If employee feel inequity between expectations and rewards
  1. morale will predictably be high.
  2. satisfaction will result.
  3. their contributions will be reduced.
  4. they will lower their expectations.