Management Practice MCQ Page 20

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 961   The proportion of a time manager spends communicating is probably about:
  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%
Question: 962   The proper sequence of elements in the expanded communication model is :
  1. sender-message-transmission-recipient-meaning
  2. message-sender-signal-receiver-decode
  3. sender-transmission-message-decode-meaning
  4. message-transmission- encode-receiver-decode.
Question: 963   Among several communication options,managers are known to spend the most time in:
  1. writing
  2. speaking
  3. reading
  4. listing.
Question: 966   All of the following are useful guides to listening expect:
  1. stop talking
  2. restate the other's comment as you heard it
  3. avoid the use of idle chatter
  4. show genuine concern and a willingness to listen.
Question: 967   Listener's retention of information immediately after hearing it is about:
  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%
Question: 968   Leadership implies the existence of the:
  2. leader
  3. community of interests between the two
  4. all of these.
Question: 970   A reader typically :
  1. seeks to understand and problems of his followers
  2. puts plans into action and generates enthusiasm for them
  3. motivates others to accomplish the required work
  4. none of these
  5. all of these.
Question: 971   The relationship between leadership and management is most accurately stated as:
  1. leadership is a subset of management
  2. leadership and management are synonymous terms
  3. there is nor relationship between leadership and management
  4. mamngement is a subset of leadership.
Question: 972   Leadership is best described as being :
  1. creative and continuous
  2. dynamic and continuous
  3. decisive and dynamic
Question: 973   In two polls regarding business leadership in 16 social and economic areas,it was found that:
  1. business should take more leadership in all areas
  2. business should take more leadership in some areas, less in others
  3. business should take less leadership in all areas
  4. people really had little strong feeling .
Question: 975   The assuming that a leader and his behaviour can not be analysed and that " a leader is leader" are consistent with the -------approach to studying leadership.
  1. great-man
  2. trait
  3. situational
  4. none of these.
Question: 976   Difficulties in defining and measuring personality characteristics of leader are problems encountered in conjunction with the:
  1. great-man approach
  2. trait approach
  3. situational approach
  4. none of these.